Ways to give.


You can give a single or recurring gift online through our secure ChurchTrac server.

In Person

Envelopes are available for tithes and offerings during Sunday Service and may be left inside the collections boxes located at the entrance and exits of the outdoor amphitheater.

By Mail

Friends Church Fullerton
729 N. Harbor Blvd
Fullerton, Ca 92832

Jesus. Family. City

Thank you for giving towards our mission of inspiring people to find and follow Jesus. May the Lord be glorified by our efforts to reach more people for Jesus.

The purpose of tithing is to remind us that God is the supplier of everything and it teaches us to always put God first in our lives.

The word "tithe" means tenth or ten percent. Tithing, or giving ten percent of your income isn't merely giving something to God, it's giving back what was His to begin with. All that we have, or hope to have, comes from Him.

May you be blessed abundantly as you give generously and cheerfully with all your heart!

Purpose of Tithing

A note about online giving.

Tax deductions
Your information is held securely by our ChurchTrac system. ChurchTrac utilizes Stripe to process all transactions. You can schedule new contributions at any time and can modify those contributions at any time prior to the date they are scheduled. Through ChurchTrac you have immediate access to your giving history.

Electronic transfer
The preferred way to give. With electronic transfer, your entire gift goes to the church. We strongly encourage the use of electronic funds transfer which are routed through your personal checking account.

Debit/Credit cards
When using a debit or credit card, as much as 3% of your gift can go to the credit card company. While we allow the use of credit cards for tithes and offerings, we still strongly encourage the use of electronic funds transfer (checking account)

Incurring Debt
We would like to encourage our members to be debt free. The use of credit cards for tithing though available as an online feature, is discouraged for your financial heath. Thank you.